Features That Can Help When Using Turntable Wrapping Equipment

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Selecting Safer Industrial Practices

I have always been someone who loves to stay safe, which is why recent industrial accidents in my hometown peaked my interest. I started paying attention to how workers were being hurt and what people could have done to prevent the accidents, and it was amazing to see the difference that they were able to make. This blog is all about selecting safer industrial practices for your business, so that you can prevent injuries, protect your bottom line, and keep your business completely functional. I know that some of this information has helped others, so I think it can help you too.


Features That Can Help When Using Turntable Wrapping Equipment

27 October 2021
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

Securing multiple pieces to pallets is a task made easy thanks to turntable wrapping equipment. It supports these materials on a platform that then turns as the film is wrapped around to secure them in place. If you're ready to buy turntable wrapping equipment, read on to learn about a couple of features that can improve the wrapping process.

Multi-Hand Operation

If you plan on having multiple people use this device to secure materials to pallets, then it's important to get an all-inclusive design so that no one has trouble. In that case, getting a turntable wrapping machine with multi-hand operation would be ideal.

Whether you or others are left-handed or right-handed, the wrapper will be easy to use. No one in charge of operating this wrapping machine will be confused or out of their element when getting this machine started and proceeding to wrap film around products on pallets.

Stable Turntable

The part that materials will be on as they're covered by the film is known as the turntable. It's a platform that rotates around to automatically secure film around materials. You want this component to have a stable design that you can trust.

Even if you're supporting a lot of materials that weigh a lot on pallets, you want the turntable to take this weight and still provide refined movement. That will keep your pallets from falling off and also ensure the turntable doesn't take significant damage over the years. Seeing this part of a wrapping machine work in real-time can help you decide if it's stable or not.

Roller Conveyors

If you do end up working with heavy materials, you probably don't want to manually lift them onto the turntable wrapping equipment. That could cause product damage and also severe injuries. You'll have an easier time by getting a turntable wrapping machine that supports roller conveyors.

Then your materials will just slide along the conveyor system until they're in the designated wrapping zone. You won't have to do any heavy lifting yourself or have a long process to deal with. Instead, you can get to wrapping film around materials and pallets as quickly as possible.

Turntable wrapping equipment is designed for facilities that wrap a lot of materials to pallets regularly. It can be an amazing investment for your packing operations, especially if you perform enough research to find features you can easily benefit from even without having prior experience with said equipment.